Alnwick Theatre Club - Rules and Constitution
The society to be called "Alnwick Theatre Club".
The study and performing of dramatic productions and the development of members.
Membership is open to anyone, 16 years and over, which entitles members to participate in all club events and have full voting rights at the AGM.*
Paid up members will be considered for parts. If there is nobody suitable for a particular role, or any other aspect of a production, and the committee considers it is in the interests of the Club to continue with the chosen production, then the producer, with the permission and support of the committee, has the freedom to look outside the membership. The committee also has the right to invite an external producer.*
a. To consist of a maximum of 9 (nine) and a minimum of 5 (five) members: Chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, and treasurer, to be elected at the AGM and 5 (five) other members. Chairperson to have a casting vote. Current producer and stage manager to be invited to meetings, and if necessary wardrobe mistress and choreographer.
b. All committee members to resign at the AGM and seek re-election if so desired.
c. In the event of a vacancy occurring on the committee during the current season, the committee may co-opt a member until the next AGM.
d. A quorum shall be 5 (five).
e. Sub-committee of at least 4 (four) to be "on-going" play readers.
f. Duties of committee are general management of all business matters connected with the club.
a. AGM to take place during the month of July.* This meeting to be called by the secretary who gives 14 days’ notice of the same. Yearly report by secretary.
b. The committee shall have the power to call any other General Meeting - 7 days’ notice required.
c. No business other than the formal adjournment of the meeting shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a 2/3rd (two-thirds) voting membership be present.
d. All resolutions brought forward at a General Meeting shall be decided by a bare majority. The chair to have casting vote.
a. Treasurer to submit Balance Sheet for the year at AGM and recommend subscriptions for the forthcoming season.
b. Accounts to be audited.
c. All funds to be used for the expenses incurred by the Club's productions at the Club's discretion.
d. Cheque signatories to be 3 (three) in number, each cheque requiring 2 (two) signatures.
e. In the event of the Club being "wound up" the funds remaining after all the debts are settled, shall be held by a "Board of Trustees" until such time that the Club can be re-formed. These trustees shall be selected by the Club members at a special meeting to finalise such details. A time limit will be established at said meeting, for the period that these funds shall be held in trust, and if at the end of this fixed period the Club cannot be re-established, the funds shall be donated to a charitable cause.
f. Full subscriptions to be paid by 30th September. If a new member joins post pantomime, then half the subscription should be paid.*
Notice of any proposed change in the rules shall be sent in writing to the secretary for submission to the AGM / General Meeting. Notice of proposed changes to be issued with the notice calling the meeting.
September 2006
*(Revised 4th July 2006 Annual General Meeting)
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