Alnwick Theatre Club - Health and Safety Policy
Alnwick Theatre Club (The Club) regards the promotion of Health and Safety measures to be a priority for all members. The Club safety policy is to do all that is reasonably practical to protect members from personal injury, to prevent damage to property and to protect visitors and the general public from foreseeable risk so far as they have reason to come into contact with the club and its activities.
The Club will take all reasonably practical steps to:
a. Provide a safe place to carry out its activities
b. Review and revise this policy as necessary to deal with changing circumstances and to comply with regulations
c. Ensure items supplied are safe and provide information, instruction and training as necessary
Responsibility of Members
There is a general duty of care on every member to report to a member of the committee all matters which they consider to be a hazard to health and safety and all members must:
a. Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by that persons actions
b. Co-operate with the committee in all matters of health and safety
c. To use correctly any items provided by the committee or theatre in accordance with training and instructions
d. Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided for health and safety
a. In the event of an accident beyond the ability of the First Aider present to deal with, an ambulance should be called immediately
b. All accidents must be recorded in the Accident book, which is to be kept with the director in charge and counter-signed by a member of the committee
c. The completed sheet should be removed from the Accident book and given to the Secretary to file for 5 years
First Aid Boxes
Boxes will be available backstage during performances and with the refreshment facilities during rehearsals
Fire Prevention and Emergency Procedures
a. During performances all members (children should be signed for by the chaperone / parent) and helpers are required to ‘sign in’ (book to be positioned in the main entrance to the Green Room) when entering the building and sign out when leaving to ensure having a record of everyone present inside the building at anyone time
b. During performances the Front of House team will be responsible for ensuring emergency procedures are followed. Procedures will be those recommended by the venues management
Ladders and Stepladders
Working at height is inherently dangerous, particularly if both hands are required to complete a job.
Work from ladders and stepladders should be light duty and short duration only.
Refer to Theatre Health and Safety Policy
Stage Area
The stage area should be kept as clean and tidy as possible, it should not be congested with scenery or properties and the exits leading from the stage should be maintained free from obstruction.
The Stage Manager is responsible for this area and has the right to ask any member to leave the stage area or wings unless they have been instructed to be there by the director.
Refer to Theatre Health and Safety Policy
Manual Handling
Before carrying out a task which requires manual handling, the following should be considered:
a. The nature of the load
b. The nature of the task
c. The nature of the working environment
d. Individual Capability
Use common sense and carry heavy awkward items between 2 or more people or with appropriate lifting machinery.
Refer to Theatre Health and Safety Policy
Any property such as weapons must be locked away after each rehearsal or performance by the Properties Manager or the Director
All sharp weapons must be made blunt as to make them incapable of causing serious injury
Refer to Theatre Health and Safety Policy
Risk Assessment
The Stage Manager and Director should carry out a Risk Assessment which should be kept of file by the Secretary. The following Questions should be addressed:
a. What could go wrong?
b. How likely is such an event?
c. What could happen if such an event occurred?
d. What are the associated risks?
e. Are the risks acceptable the club?
f. How can the risks be reduced?
I. Alnwick Theatre Club Health and Safety Policy supplements that of Alnwick Playhouse and does not replace it in any way.
A copy of this policy is also available for download: