When We Are Married - 2012
Inspired by the success of the recent revival of the play, in the West End, the decision to stage the play "When We Are Married" by J.B.Priestley, was easily made.
It was a privilege once again to have Tony Neale as the director. He brought real insight and precision to the direction.
We were pleased to welcome a new member to the cast - Kate Devlin. John Firth was the Stage Manager.
Review - Northumberland Gazette
The three men - Alderman Joseph Helliwell, Councillor Albert Parker, and the hilariously "henpecked" Herbert Soppitt, and their wives are respected members of the community.
But at the celebration for their Silver Wedding Anniversary, having all married on the same day twenty five years previously, they learn that they were never married at all.
The main plot of the play unfolds as these three couples, terrified of the potential loss of social standing, come to terms with their lives together.
What sets the play apart for me though is the strength and depth of the supporting roles.
Jade Curran was great as the cheeky young maid Ruby Birtle, while Helen Gee as lady of ill repute Lottie Grady, caused another layer of awkwardness when she dropped by the party
But the stand out performance for me was Jimmy Dodds absolutely brilliant performance as Henry Ormoroyd, the photographer from local paper the Yorkshire Argus.
I saw the performance on its second night of four and it was a remarkably polished performance, if not perfect from this Amateur group.
All those in the cast and crew should be congratulated for their efforts.