39 & A Half Steps - 2013
Our August production was "The 39 & a Half Steps", a radio play ,which, inspired by John Buchan's novel, is a counter-espionage caper.
As far as the Theatre Club could remember, the group has never before performed a radio play. The show was directed by Chris Heckels, from Radio Revellers, a theatre company which specialises in the presentation of 1930's radio plays.
Review - Northumberland Gazette
This was a new and totally different challenge, but it was one that members passed with flying colours.
Firstly, the cast of 12 played no less than 40 roles, changing characters in rapid succession.
A whole host of props were used on stage to recreate noises throughout the play, from drawing curtains to gun shots.
And the audience were prompted to join in at certain times, whether it was applause, laughter, gasps or even baa-ing (there were even sheep in the play)
All 12 people on stage did a good job to bring the entertaining script to life, although I really enjoyed Trevor Hughes' performance as Bobby Tremaine, who had some witty lines and clearly enjoyed his role.