Alnwick Theatre Club presents
Adventure in Pantoland
written by Alan P. Frayn, and produced by arrangement with Stage Right Creative Ltd
The Alnwick Theatre Club celebrates its 75th Anniversary this year by staging a panto with a twist! Adventure in Pantoland, is a ‘selection box’ of cracking panto stories and allows us to showcase talents new and old in a funny, family friendly production. The story starts in the Land of Make Believe, the home of all panto folk, from where Poison Ivy, the Wicked Witch, banishes four of our friends forever! Finding their memories have been wiped but with the help of Fairy Honeysuckle, they visit six well-known panto stories in their quest to find where they really belong. Come along to enjoy all the usual panto antics and find out whether our fab four make it back to where they belong!.....
Rehearsals are going fab!
Everyone is doing so well, we all can't wait to be on stage in January.
Remember to grab your tickets here> Alnwick Playhouse
Special mention to our wonderful director Megan Robb who is doing a great job.
Keep up the good work everyone.
So the only thing left to ask is...
Are you ready to travel through Pantoland with us?
It's going to be quite the adventure.